Autism Progress enables staff to understand each young person’s autism so they can design personalised support plans. One of the aims of Autism Progress is to help each autistic young person to sustain and enhance their wellbeing, make positive choices, achieve success, and benefit from positive life experiences and outcomes.
What is autism progress?
Watch this 1 minute video to see how Autism Progress can help you understand how autism impacts a young person. It also helps you provide tailored support for each individual and plan their next steps.
To find out more about how Autism Progress can help in your post 16 setting:
Book a FREE Online MeetingAutism Progress enables post 16 settings to:
- Develop a deeper understanding of how a young person’s autism impacts them.
- Identify how to support each person effectively.
- Help young people to have agency, to understand their autism and to take control.
- Identify strengths and where students need support across four key areas – Communication, Social Interaction, Flexibility of Thought, Emotional Regulation.
Support your autistic young people
Autism Progress focuses on 4 areas that young autistic people may need support in. It is important to understand and support each person’s autism, instead of using a generalised understanding of autism:
Autism inclusive support for young people in your setting
Steps 4 Life – working towards independent living
Steps 4 Life is our framework for pupils with SEND who are working towards independent living. It is primarily designed to be used from Key Stage 4 onwards. Some individuals will be working towards independent living and employment while others will be working towards semi-independent living and others will be in supported living. Steps 4 Life covers a wide range of areas and a wide ability range, it includes 7 levels that are the equivalent of P1 to P8 which replace the old Milestones, Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 and RQF Level 1 and 2.
The Steps 4 Life assessment content is available in 3 packs and covers the following areas:
Academic Skills Pack
PSD (Including Relationship & Sex Education)
Digital Skills
Life Skills Pack
Self Care
Employability Skills Pack
Identifying a Job
Getting a Job
Your Rights
Workplace Routines
Workplace Skills